Wednesday, November 26, 2008

kelvin : Winter Works Preparation

Flash, Tuesday came and gone. The weather's still hovering around +4 to +8°C, with the lowest about -8°C at night, so its still considered "warm" for this part of time. Heard from the forecast that on Thursday, the cold front will arrive and temperature will again drop by an additional 10°C.

About 2+pm this afternoon, did a quick site inspection with Dad and our construction team, in preparation for tomorrow morning's progress meeting. Quite a lot of work ahead for '09 April and without some intense planning, it quite an arduous task ahead.

(top) project high-rise 24 storeys, external works mostly complete, except for paint and interior works

(top) project exclusive 6 storeys garden villas, mostly complete, with piping works on-going on the foreground

Oh, and previously we tried some dressing up for Peppy (honey bee, rock star, fake Burberry) as Jackie was afraid the weather here will be too cold for her. It was quite funny after putting up the dresses, as she basically just "froze" on spot, openly irritated by whatever is on her! I guess she prefer her own natural fur skin than clothes.

(top) peppy in the honey bee dress! cute!

(top) peppy and jackie. irresistable not to hug!

(top) peppy in her rock star outfit!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

kelvin : Monday I'm-Not-Feeling-The-Blues!

Seems like the "I'm running on adrenaline!" campaign is working. Didn't felt lethargic this morning, snoozed twice before jumping out of bed and into the bathroom. Feels real good! Today wasn't much of an exciting day, off to work as usual, had a couple of meetings and did a little planning work for winter construction. Other than that, had my first session of gym after 1 month of stoppage (everything was pretty much saggy) so it was kinda tough today.

Read this James Reynold's blog (he's a BBC correspondent in Beijing) when I'd got home and his articles on China, its developments and policies are actually quite interesting. Check it out if you would want to understand more about the land I'm currently in.

Oh, and Jackie had a bad stomache this morning!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Jackie : My hunny Ju first time to ask me to take sticker photo

After a longggggggggggg battle, I finally had 100% satisfaction today because I woke up @ 1:00pm.... thanks god! Dear, I never had so much sleeping for how many months already?? I also lost count !

After our lunch, suprisingly hunny ju ju asked me to take sticker photo, he usually dun like to this kind of thing, dunno wut happen to him today, but i was so happy. So, of course i took this very good chance to take 4 funny sticker photo with him.

The sticker photo qualtiy are not bad, you still can choose to laminate it with different pattern of lamination. The after laminated effect are perfect and with little shinny pattern.

And there was one more thing had made me feeling suprise, Peppy was so daring when she ran out of our house and jumped into the lift. She didn't dare to walk into shadow, but today she did it. She was so excited when Liu Jie called her to go down, she waited @ the front door ... aiyo, cannot stand this little doggie. Nowadays, she go down for walking everyday... we're so happy that we have Liu Jie to take care of her and to bring her down for walk walk when we go for work or not in shenyang.

kelvin : A good week of good weather ahead. I'm enjoying it while I can..

Well, as you would have noticed (else, welcome first-timer visitor, where have you been?!), I'd changed the layout and outlook of the site, the previous one was *sweet* but I'm getting kinda cross-eyed since everything is squashed together within 400 (?) pixels of text space. (From my 1200+ resolution, that kinda sucks!) So I basically took everything (except the contents, of course!) and trashed them happily into the bin. At least now everything looks squeaky clean, just like CNY is around the corner. :)

(top) Grappling with Blogger's sophisticated interface.

By the way, it's been more than 1 year since I'd been using the iPhone, and last night, I fell in love with it all over again. Yes. Learnt and "jailbroken" its firmware to version 2.1! It was quite easy to upgrade iPhones "illegally" (as in not through AT&T networks) nowadays, with hackers really understanding 'user experience', and this was achieved through a very well-designed program, QuickPwn, whereby most of the steps are Next, Press This, Next, Release That, Next, Done. Real slick.. So now, I'm running the near-latest (yes, just learnt that 2.2 is out but no big fuss really) software on my 2G iPhone, with App Store. Cool.

(top) time to pimp it up!

Actually what truly made me move my lazy ass to go through all these troubles, is because I'd read about Google's newest mobile application, Google Mobile App, is out on the App Store. What it actually does is that it allows users to voice-search and call contacts, which sounds pretty nifty to me! (Though I'd read about it having trouble deciphering British accents, but then again, most of us don't understand what they're talking about most of the time anyway) So, after all the troubles, I created an iTunes account, login and then realised that I can't access into U.S. App Store (the only Store where the Google Mobile App is currently available) since I don't own a U.S.-issued credit card, which is required during account registration. Damn. So in the end, I can only happily satisfy myself downloading freebies off the China Store. But still, its all cool and now Jackie looks like she's ditching her Nokie E71 to switch back to the "Pod Side". :)

Thought of the Day : "Created a new Digg account, have to updated this blog, need to check back Facebook, have to sync files to, desperate to source for a web album and of course to check my emails on Gmail... The Internet has unknowingly became our work master."

P.S. : Just caught the movie "Connected (2008) 保持通话", featuring 古天乐 and 张家辉. To sum it up, this would probably be the best HK thriller this year for me. So catch it!!

P.P.S : Day One of "I'm running on adrenaline!"

Sunday, November 16, 2008

kelvin : back in shenyang as Mr & Mrs Koh

The wedding is fantastic and much thanks to all the relatives and friends who helped and came by! It was just a great night at Ritz and we just can't wait to see the photos!

Returning to Shenyang on Wednesday, the first thing that hit us was the cold weather. When we left, it was still at a cool 10+ degrees and nowadays, its hitting the zero line. Weather is quickly descending, however in comparison to last year's weather, this year is considered a lot warmer.

At last, we have cabled TV streaming good old National Geographic, HBO, CineMax, MTV, etc onto our tube! No more China-made programmes!! (Which always successfully put me to sleep within 10 minutes, or at least irritate me enough to switch it off) Just a pity that it doesn't come with the Discovery Channel.