Sunday, November 23, 2008

kelvin : A good week of good weather ahead. I'm enjoying it while I can..

Well, as you would have noticed (else, welcome first-timer visitor, where have you been?!), I'd changed the layout and outlook of the site, the previous one was *sweet* but I'm getting kinda cross-eyed since everything is squashed together within 400 (?) pixels of text space. (From my 1200+ resolution, that kinda sucks!) So I basically took everything (except the contents, of course!) and trashed them happily into the bin. At least now everything looks squeaky clean, just like CNY is around the corner. :)

(top) Grappling with Blogger's sophisticated interface.

By the way, it's been more than 1 year since I'd been using the iPhone, and last night, I fell in love with it all over again. Yes. Learnt and "jailbroken" its firmware to version 2.1! It was quite easy to upgrade iPhones "illegally" (as in not through AT&T networks) nowadays, with hackers really understanding 'user experience', and this was achieved through a very well-designed program, QuickPwn, whereby most of the steps are Next, Press This, Next, Release That, Next, Done. Real slick.. So now, I'm running the near-latest (yes, just learnt that 2.2 is out but no big fuss really) software on my 2G iPhone, with App Store. Cool.

(top) time to pimp it up!

Actually what truly made me move my lazy ass to go through all these troubles, is because I'd read about Google's newest mobile application, Google Mobile App, is out on the App Store. What it actually does is that it allows users to voice-search and call contacts, which sounds pretty nifty to me! (Though I'd read about it having trouble deciphering British accents, but then again, most of us don't understand what they're talking about most of the time anyway) So, after all the troubles, I created an iTunes account, login and then realised that I can't access into U.S. App Store (the only Store where the Google Mobile App is currently available) since I don't own a U.S.-issued credit card, which is required during account registration. Damn. So in the end, I can only happily satisfy myself downloading freebies off the China Store. But still, its all cool and now Jackie looks like she's ditching her Nokie E71 to switch back to the "Pod Side". :)

Thought of the Day : "Created a new Digg account, have to updated this blog, need to check back Facebook, have to sync files to, desperate to source for a web album and of course to check my emails on Gmail... The Internet has unknowingly became our work master."

P.S. : Just caught the movie "Connected (2008) 保持通话", featuring 古天乐 and 张家辉. To sum it up, this would probably be the best HK thriller this year for me. So catch it!!

P.P.S : Day One of "I'm running on adrenaline!"

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