Wednesday, November 26, 2008

kelvin : Winter Works Preparation

Flash, Tuesday came and gone. The weather's still hovering around +4 to +8°C, with the lowest about -8°C at night, so its still considered "warm" for this part of time. Heard from the forecast that on Thursday, the cold front will arrive and temperature will again drop by an additional 10°C.

About 2+pm this afternoon, did a quick site inspection with Dad and our construction team, in preparation for tomorrow morning's progress meeting. Quite a lot of work ahead for '09 April and without some intense planning, it quite an arduous task ahead.

(top) project high-rise 24 storeys, external works mostly complete, except for paint and interior works

(top) project exclusive 6 storeys garden villas, mostly complete, with piping works on-going on the foreground

Oh, and previously we tried some dressing up for Peppy (honey bee, rock star, fake Burberry) as Jackie was afraid the weather here will be too cold for her. It was quite funny after putting up the dresses, as she basically just "froze" on spot, openly irritated by whatever is on her! I guess she prefer her own natural fur skin than clothes.

(top) peppy in the honey bee dress! cute!

(top) peppy and jackie. irresistable not to hug!

(top) peppy in her rock star outfit!

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