Thursday, October 30, 2008

jackie : Customary day is a busy day

One day before the customary :

Today, we went to report to ROM in the morning, pay fine then file our ROM. Wow, it's serious, we need to write an application @ ROM in person to state the reason of not filing and being residence in Singaopre for more than 21 days, and to declare the reason that we give are true. Of course, after all these trouble we still hv to pay for the fine $200 in order to file our marriage.

When we file our marriage, it was quite thrilling, we forgot that we need to fill the witness of solmnization's passport number to file our ROM, but father never brought his passport, nearly cannot file our marriage today. We panic for a while, luckly, we did file it before in shenyang, so we finally retreive the form in ROM record, otherwise, have to go back and take passport already. It was very fast, it took less than an hour, the whole reporting and filing process end already.

We also went to Ritz to discuss some of the things with our co-oridinator, like table setting, confirmation of guess numbers, music performance, seating arrangement, music selection... things that waiting for us to confirm one, we've confirmed with Ritz already. Schedule to confirm the rest on Friday.

After that, we went to buy Jewelly for tomorrow's customary. We finally decided not to waste money to buy Bvgarly coz it doesn't really worth to pay so much just for the wedding ring. Eventually, we bought a very nice pair of ear-ring and the wedding band @ one of the diamond shop in Marina Sq.

It was a very rush buy, very funny, it was really really last minute preparation. Even the Jewellery Sales also commented it was to last minute ad people actually buy all these few months before the customary...

But i feel quite cool, as in we could manage to settle manay things in just one day..... But of course we have a very good wedding planner, to PRE-arrange and to PRE-settle even more things before we came back. That really shorten the process a lot!

REALLY ... I truely appeciate our SUPER wedding planner, thanks for her help!

ok, need to stop here, tomorrow 8:00am, hunny ju will come and start customary exchange game.

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