Peppy go for her 2nd beauty treatment after coming to shenyang 3 months ... wow.. so pretty!!!
Makes somebody hugs her and dun wanna let go ... hahahaha ...

While we're waiting for little peppy, we walked along 中街 (one of the most popular shopping street in Shenyang). Everywhere is TVs that showing olympic games ...

See people taking photo of this '中国加油', it's quite funny, why do they even wanna take photo of this thing when it is not a very nice flower display and somehow it is a bit 老土.
Later, i feel, they should be quite proud of their country, that's why they wanna take it down for memory. haha, probably show their kids years later, china ever hold olympic game .... after think twice, i decided to take this down ... coz i also wanna tell my kids about it.
It's serious!!! Got security on duty somemore ....
(Wonder what can this middle-age man do if there is people 捣乱.....)